Hands-on: Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation - IGN (2025)

With Nintendo showcasing Advance Wars here in America in September of 2001, handheld gamers got the first real taste of what exactly we were all missing from the Japan market. For years Japanese companies have been producing top-tier games that never reach our shores, but when the 9.9 instant classic hit shelves a half-decade ago, something changed in the mind of US gamers. For the majority of us, American titles simply weren't enough, and the following releases of Advance Wars and Fire Emblem proved that the GBA market was ready for a new wave of gaming from all across the world. Since the NES days, there's been another major strategy series running in Japan, and for the first time ever American gamers now have a chance to play a translated game from the Super Robot series, titled Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation. As a localized port from 2002, Super Robot Taisen may not have the graphical flare of its overseas (and now shore-side) competitor Advance Wars, but it does in turn bring its own style of gameplay and presentation that, thanks to Atlus, we can now enjoy to its full extent.
A major reason for the lack of the Super Robot series in America is simple, and we've actually seen it many times before. At its essence, the Super Robot series is a showcase of multiple different anime series, bringing together countless franchises into one adventure. The turn-based strategy features super-deformed iterations of classic anime robots, including everything from Getter Robo, Gundam and Evangelion. Depending on the specific game, certain franchises would be used in their own specific way. Cross-over stories and "what if" scenarios make the Super Robot series a must-have for anime fans, though it also in turn creates a licensing nightmare here in the states. Just like Jump Superstars for Nintendo DS, Super Robot seemed like it would never see the light of day in America, as it would require unprecedented negotiating between multiple companies spanning countless franchises. Simply put, it shouldn't be happening.

Luckily for us, 2002's Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation stands apart from much of the series, as it is composed of only original characters and has no association with any of the franchises that would hinder its state-side release. That also comes as a sacrifice, however, since anyone looking to play a strategy game featuring Shinji Ikari from Evangelion in a chibi-robot won't be getting their wish. Instead, the game makes subtle note of scenarios and robot types that "may or may not" have anything to do with other franchises, and instead creates its own cast to work with. Sure we'd love to battle Eva vs. Gundam, but when it all comes down to it getting Super Robot Taisen in this form is better than not at all, and we'll take it just the same.

At its most basic core gameplay, Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation plays astonishingly similar to the Advance Wars series that we all are now so familiar with. Players enter a top-view field filled with enemy and ally units and take turns moving the individual units into position. When attacking, animated cut-scenes are used to show off the specifics of battle, and offer some much-needed eye candy to the otherwise simple presentation. Everything from battle scenes to unit movement resembles the Wars series, but Super Robot also includes a few very important differences that have kept these franchise in co-existence over the years. Though Super Robot depicts battle in a similar way, there's a lot more to the game than just field tactics. Every unit is made up of a mech and a pilot, each upgradeable in their own ways. Between missions, players will need to use strategy to repair and upgrade their mech units, while also saving enough cash for items and future special weapons. At the same time, each pilot is a stand-alone character as well, and can learn new abilities that only they can unleash during battle. These techniques can be anything from movement increases to general power upgrades for their team, and actually play as much of a part in combat as the mechs themselves.

In fact, the game could best be described as a combination of both Advance Wars and Fire Emblem, since the amount of stress behind unit upgrading is just as important as how the battles play out. Different characters and mechs can even be unlocked based on how the player goes about their missions, so there really is a more personal feel to the cast much like Fire Emblem. In the few hours we've had to dig into the game, we've already seen an amount of depth that rivals the Advance Wars franchise, even if Super Robot is a bit rough around the edges and doesn't have that polish we're used to seeing. The cast is simply huge, already featuring over 25 semi-main characters to follow, and it can be a bit daunting at times to try and stay with the story. In addition, there's no real "training" mode to get you into the game, so without the instruction booklet or print/online guides Super Robot may be a bit too hardcore for the average gamer. Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation has been brought over directly from Japan, and anyone who's an import fanatic will tell you that Japanese games expect perfection from their players and make no apologies for delivering near-impossible odds. Super Robot may not look as crisp and clean as Advance Wars, but even this early in the game we can assure you it packs an impressive punch.

For the hardcore turn-based players, Super Robot may in fact be a must-have title despite its already apparent shortcomings. The gameplay is solid and the amount of micromanagement is huge, and that alone will have some gamers (us included) quite happy with the purchase. At the same time, it's important to note that Super Robot Taisen is very basic in its graphical presentation, and won't impress most gamers too much after seeing some of the more recent GBA or DS titles. From the opening minutes of the game (or in our media below) you can instantly tell that this game has some years behind it, as the graphics are rather dull and cookie-cutter. We're lucky that Original Generation is the first of the series to come to America, however, since it was also the first version of the game to feature animated attacks in Japan. Even still, the mech animations give off a Super NES feel reminiscent of lower-budget anime, as many of the attacks will have character art sliding across the screen or wiggling around the playfield. If you're expecting the slick feeling of Advance Wars animation, you're looking in the wrong place.

At the same time, the actual artwork for Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation is still pretty awesome. Each unit is drawn in classic chibi style (meaning that the object is shrunk down and fattened, also adding a more dramatic focus on the head and arms, almost like a caricature of the original design), and the art is great. The little animations that are shown off make an almost comical impact, as fat little robots draw out huge guns that fire off obscene attacks, or unsheathe melee weapons of ludicrous size only to swing them at a million miles an hour. Just because the game is light on animation doesn't mean it doesn't deliver a solid style, as Super Robot shows off exactly what it intends despite the low movement budget. The graphics will look rough to the average consumer (especially on the playfield screens), but the tiny intricacies will certainly delight anime fans to no end.

We'll have more on Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation as we near its release date. Until then, be sure to check out our gameplay videos below in our media section.

Hands-on:  Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation - IGN (2025)


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